Friday 20 May 2016

The Father!!

One fine morning, I came to know that my prego test is positive; everyone was in ecstatic mode but only he was as rational as me and was saying, first let's make it sure with the doctor. When it was confirmed then he just gave me a content smile that said it all and then he was continuously on the phone telling everybody about it..!!

For next 9 months he never let his shield down. It was like his only mission in life "my delivery"!! He never visited the doctor with me for monthly checkups, neither did he give me any suggestions nor he forced me to do anything I didn't want to do. But whatever the doctor advised for me he was always the first one to implement it. Be it fruits, fluids, medicines or dry fruits everything was available before it was even demanded. He forgotten to look after his health for the whole period. Everyone around me was being scolded for not listening to me or if I am told any household chores to do.

I was treated like a princess; because I am really a one for him; My dad!! Since childhood I am a little closer to him than my mom. Being his first girl I hold that special place in his heart. And now it was special.. He was going to become grand dad. The girl who used to run to him for every little thing was going to be a mother!! All he cared for was her safety and happiness.

We often read, write, express our feelings about mom. And moms are super expressive. They let you know their anger, happiness, worries everything right there. But fathers.. They are the ones carrying silent ranks when it comes to expressing things..

So is my papa.. He never expresses his worry for me but he be there to guide me and help me out of it. He is never vocal about how happy and excited he is but he makes sure that we enjoy the celebrations. He is always there by our side in all ups and downs!!

I know in my heart that when I was lying there on the operation table he was the one who was more worried for his baby than the coming one!! He made sure everything was in place for me n my baby. When me n my mom were in the hospital room he was sitting in the waiting area whole day long for 4 days. He had tears in his eyes when he saw my girl and I am sure he definitely remembered me as a baby.

It is more adorable to see him as a grand dad.. Now my place has been taken by my baby. He was so worried for her that he didn't hold her in his hands for safety sake. 😃 It is heart soothing to see him play with her, cuddle her. The happiness on his face is evident.. He can do anything for her and I am already jealous of her for winding my dad around her pinky..

But so is love of a Father. If we can not come in this world without a mother then we certainly can not survive here without a Father..!! I would really want to tell my baby girl from my experience, "Babe as long as you have your baba beside you, you really don't need to worry about anyone and anything in the world. He is the king who will always shield his princess no matter what!! You are blessed to have him!!"

- Swati 😃

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